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specializing in web development and graphic design


Mass Email Marketing Design & Distribution

Most companies know the potential of the Internet as a marketing medium, but few companies effectively utilize its power. With the right method and tools, your company can utilize this exceptional brand-building and sales tool. EU Concepts can help your company or organization produce cost-effective electronic marketing campaigns that directly appeal to your existing customers, new prospects, and employees.
Advantages of Mass Email Delivery

There are many ways to benefit from email campaigns, and EU Concepts can help you develop the best method for reaching your customers.

  • Announce new products or services, including time-sensitive sales or current inventories
  • Build overall awareness about your company and maintain your corporate brand
  • Become a resource for information
  • Provide industry tips and insights
  • Acquire feedback about services and products from customers

EU Concepts is very aware of the growing inconvenience of SPAM and unsolicited emails. With our experience and tools, we help your business maintain professional communications without the negative side-effects.

  • Emails offer active links directly to related pages on your website
  • Completely SPAM-compliant
  • Automatically manage your email list, including "removes"
  • Real-time message delivery provides instant reporting on people viewing your emails
  • Reach unlimited amount of people simultaneously at extremely low costs

Talk to us about how EU Concepts can work with you to develop the following:

  • Design an email template that compliments your brand so that customers are familiar with your emails
  • Manage your email lists to keep your involvement to a minimum
  • Develop content and help obtain related resources for your emails
  • Powerful reports on every aspect of each email campaign